Hitching to Pinedale–Just a bit early

“This looks like a ride,” I thought as the older van with a bike rack on the back of it rumbled down the dirt road towards us. I was standing at the entrance to the Green River Campground with Magpie and Stoaked. We’d decided to try to hitch into Pinedale earlier than planned because the traditional hitch route into Pinedale requires a 10 mile walk in off trail and then back out again. Rather than do the extra 20 miles, we decided to try to get a ride off a more remote stretch, but one that didn’t require any extra miles. The van picked us up and brought us all the way to Pinedale. 

It was great couple out for a vacation around the Wind River Range. They even took us a bit out of their way to get us into Pinedale. Two great dogs, so I got lots of pets in on the way to town. 

I’m going to end up skipping a bit of trail (50 miles) because of how I came out. I’ve already told Michelle this is a place we have to come back to. Two- fold reason for not going back. The hitch-It’s easier to get a ride when you’re standing by the roadside with two females. Second, I’m right in the eclipse zone. Prices are skyrocketing and people are getting ready to freak out on the 21st. I want to get south of the zone and escape some of the bedlam. I’ll still have an almost complete eclipse in the Great Divide Basin. 

The Basin is a desert. Long miles without water, and plenty of cow dung mixed in. I’ll be eating my water. It’s been wet and cold lately, so I’m ready for a bit of a change. 

Colorado will be on the horizon as I finish the Basin. Rawlins, WY comes first though and will be the next place I can post. Remote and sparsely populated area for the next 200 miles. 

See y’all on the other side of the desert. 

Rawlins bound with Steamboat Springs, CO just a jump after. 

Kindness matters

Truckin’ on
