Letting it Go

I’ve been struggling to let my employer know that it’s time for me to move on. I’ve been in the school district for 21 years. It’s been my life. But that’s part of the problem.

As a superintendent/principal of a small rural school district, I do a bit of everything.  If I’m awake, I’m doing something related to school. Even when I’m exercising, it takes concentrated effort to move my brain away from work.

My blood pressure is often 160/100 and sometimes higher. Five to six hours of sleep is the average. I had to make a change, so I sent letters to my school board today telling them I was resigning at the end of the current school year.

Most of the time when a superintendent resigns, it’s because he or she is moving to a larger or more affluent school. I’m leaving to hike the Continental Divide Trail. dscn0414

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